Thursday, December 26, 2019

Information Communications Technologies And Social Media...

Executive Summary Technology has had a huge impact on education in recent years. Although there has been an increase in learning methods, technology has also made students increasingly distracted. This subsequently gave rise to the increasing need for teachers to facilitate the use of technology in the classroom. To make sure that their students stay focused and to fully utilize the potential of technology, Ministry of Education (MOE) Singapore must leverage on its main resource, teachers. MOE should utilize technologies such as collaborative technologies and social media where teachers can be present to facilitate. The effectiveness of these strategies would depend on the efforts of the teachers. MOE should provide proper incentives to these teachers and implement quotas or requirements for teachers to meet. Position: Planner Reader of Report: Minister of Education Purpose of Report: To support MOE in its endeavour to create an Information Communications Technologies (ICT) -infused curriculum for their students. Introduction MOE is responsible for fostering a climate of literacy in Singaporean students for generations through creating and implementing education policies. The Compulsory Education Act (Cap 51) requires students aged between 6 and 15 years old to attend national primary and secondary schools, which makes up the main bulk of MOE’s customers (MOE,2016). There is a small minority that are exempted from this compulsory system such as students with specialShow MoreRelatedThe Danger Of Social Media Globalization761 Words   |  4 Pages The Danger of Social Media Globalization Jun Su Park (Jun) ILSC in Toronto The Danger of Social Media Globalization The Scottish football manager Sir Alex Ferguson said that â€Å"How do you find the time to do that? There are a million things you can do in your life without that. Get yourself down to the library and read a book. Seriously. It is a waste of time (O’Connell, 2011, para. 5). That is to say; the social media technology is not necessary for the human. However, people tryRead MoreHow Social Networking Changed Communication?1504 Words   |  7 Pages Social Networking I How has social networking changed communication? The topic I selected to research is social networking and how it has changed communication in all aspects of life. I chose this topic because I am interested in learning more information about social media and how it has affected people’s communication skills. I am curious to discover how each source of social media affects communication. Everyday people use their cellular devices to either text, call, or videoRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1560 Words   |  7 Pageshigh, society has become more and more dependent on social media. 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We all use it to express and communicate our thoughts and feelings about ourselves and the world. Because of this many people do not know how to communicate face to face anymore and many times even hide behind their keyboard. Keller (2013), Quotes Paul Booth an assistant professor of media and cinema studies saying â€Å"There has been a shift in theRead MoreHow Social Media And Technology Is Changing The Way We Speak Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesHow social media and technology is changing the way we speak and write. Language is important, it impacts the daily lives of people of any race or culture. Language help us communicate and express our feelings. We communicate with our words and gestures that interact with our everyday lives. Without language there would be no type of way we would be able to communicate with one another. Society would have a lack of understanding and communication. 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Information and communication technology and a world wide system of information exchange has been building growth for over a hundred years and physical technology and industry is not slowing down in growth - rather it is accelerating. InformationRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society1068 Words   |  5 Pagesprominent areas of information technology present in today’s society is that of social media. Facebook users make up 62% of the entire adult population and Twitter users compose 20% of the population (Mobile Messaging and Social Media, 2015). Sites like these allow users to transfer information, in the form of social content, to the Internet community with no limitations. These sites also ease communication across great distances, allowing for a diverse audience for any information posted on such a

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tim OBriens The Things They Carried Essay - 1348 Words

In Tim OBriens The Things They Carried the issue of maturity is an ever occurring theme within the novel that sets out to tackle and open up for discussion of it on a broader level. Specifically within the chapters Friends and Enemies it is clear that both Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen are wedged in a personal psychological war. This issue faces many young adults but is perverted by the war and the tragic loss of innocent life. Many feel that the purpose of OBriens The Things They Carried is to show hardships and reality of war. While that is true, the most important issue and debate brought up is the rapid transformation of our young soldiers while they have to face the atrocities of war. Although, Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen†¦show more content†¦Thus Jensens maturity level at first is not up to par and this psychological battle that he faces with himself has most definitely got to him. The whole idea of the biblical ideal of eye for an eye is displayed as a very important them e in these chapters. It is clearly obvious that Dave Jensen adopts this practice when realizing his actions via his struggle with Lee Strunk. It is unclear as to whether or not he held these principles pervious to his engagement with Strunk, which possibly led to a damage of his psychological state but nevertheless, his practice and current belief of the ideal an eye for an eye is extremely intricate to these chapters. Afterward, he crossed the perimeter to Lee Strunks foxhole. He showed him what hed done and asked if everything was square between them. (63-64) Jensen attempts to break off from his personally unbalanced psychological state in which his whole battalion saw him as a lunatic and uses the primitive eye for an eye method to consolidate his problems. Jensens method of thinking at this point and time is not in a state where thoughts are coming out logically and without an extreme out of emotion. Thus, Jensens maturity level has been drastically affected once again by this internal conflict that he is facing with Strunk. For him to turn to primitive methods thatShow MoreRelatedTim OBriens The Things They Carried: An Analysis1542 Words   |  6 PagesStudent Network Resources Inc.  ©2003-2010 ________________________________________________________________________ Tim OBriens The Things They Carried is a short story told in the form of a catalogue. OBriens title provides both an accurate description of how the story is organized mainly by lists, with the narrative seeming an almost accidental intrusion but also as a sort of recurrent musical refrain in the text itself. The title phrase is repeated at semi-regular intervals in theRead More The Guilt They Carried in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried1422 Words   |  6 PagesThe Guilt They Carried in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried In the aftermath of a comparatively minor misfortune, all parties concerned seem to be eager to direct the blame to someone or something else. It seems so easy to pin down one specific mistake that caused everything else to go wrong in an everyday situation. However, war is a vastly different story. War is ambiguous, an enormous and intangible event, and it cannot simply be blamed for the resulting deaths for which it is indirectlyRead MoreEssay on Tim OBriens The Things They Carried1128 Words   |  5 PagesTim OBriens The Things They Carried   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How does death affect the behavior of people? Although death affects everyones behavior differently, knowledge of ones imminent death is a main force behind behavioral changes. This knowledge causes emotions that motivate people to act in ways that they normally would not. In Tim OBriens The Things They Carried,; the knowledge of death and its closeness causes the men in the story to alter their behavior by changing they way they display powerRead More Tim OBriens The Things They Carried Essay735 Words   |  3 PagesTim OBriens The Things They Carried Culture teaches that men must dispense of ridiculous emotions and remain firm, following expected duties. O’Brien develops this theme of the transition from youth to manhood in his short story, â€Å"The Things They Carried.† Through the protagonist Jimmy Cross, metaphors of weight, and futile ideas of freedom, O’Brien reveals how society expects young men in transition to adulthood to let go of impractical idealism and dwell instead on the cruel reality of theRead MoreReview: Tim OBriens The Things They Carried1610 Words   |  6 PagesIn Tim OBriens The Things They Carried, the main theme is that the young men of Alpha Company carry many physical and emotional burdens which linger on long after the war. As they walked through the jungles and swamps of South Vietnam, they carried weapons, equipment, personal items, and also carried the dead and wounded off the battlefield as well as the guilt for having survived. First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried the respons ibility for the men under his command and guilt about the war theyRead MoreEssay about Tim OBriens the Things They Carried1558 Words   |  7 PagesTim OBriens The Things They Carried is not a novel about the Vietnam War. It is a story about the soldiers and their experiences and emotions that are brought about from the war. OBrien makes several statements about war through these dynamic characters. He shows the violent nature of soldiers under the pressures of war, he makes an effective antiwar statement, and he comments on the reversal of a social deviation into the norm. By skillfully employing the stylistic technique of specificRead MoreThe Struggle of Weight in Tim OBriens The Things They Carried1315 Words   |  6 PagesThe Struggle of Weight in Tim OBriens The Things They Carried The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines the word weight as a mass or quantity of something taken up and carried, conveyed, or transported. Tim OBriens war story The Things They Carried, published in 1990, explores the theme of weight and its importance to men at war in considerable depth. The opening chapter of this book, which was originally written as a short story, is comprised of a collection of lists. OBrien detailsRead MoreMilitary Life in Vietnam in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried1563 Words   |  7 Pages The Things They Carried is a story based on the experiences of young American soldiers fighting during the Vietnam War. The story begins giving you insight into the thoughts of the soldiers, describing to you what they humped along with them through their walk in the deep jungle of Vietnam. Some of those things were necessities P-38 can openers, pocket knives, heat tabs, wristwatches, dog tags, mosquito repellent, chewing-gum, candy, cigarettes, salt tablets (81) and some were objects to giveRead MoreTim OBriens, the Things They Carried Critical Essay on Ptsd1360 Words   |  6 Pagesdrop the object because it was too much to bear? Tim O’brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, is about men in the middle of the Vietnam War just trying to survive. These men, like all soldiers, carried many things ranging from the physical items of war to the emotional and mental weight that comes along with the horrors of war. â€Å"They carried all they could bear, and then some, i ncluding a silent awe for the terrible power of the things they carried.†(O’brien,7) I believe in this novel, O’brien givesRead MoreCharacter Comparison in Tim OBriens The Things They Carried553 Words   |  3 Pages The central theme of the story is the age-old conflict of life and death. On a more personal level with First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, the round character and protagonist of The Things They Carried, it is a conflict of love, his antagonist and of war. The author, Tim OBrien, is writing about an experience of a tour in the Vietnam conflict. This short story deals with inner conflicts of some individual soldiers and how they chose to deal with the realities of the Vietnam conflict

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

“The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry Essay Sample free essay sample

â€Å"The Gift of the Magi† ( 1906 ) remains one of the most recognizable and often anthologized narratives in American literature. In its clip the narrative was highly popular. both commercially and critically. and O. Henry was called the â€Å"Yankee Maupaussant. † Today the narrative is considered juvenilia and has non garnered much serious critical attending. â€Å"The Gift of the Magi† ab initio appeared in one of O. Henry’s best-known aggregation of narratives. The Four Million. which was published in 1906. Plot and Major Fictional charactersOn Christmas Eve. a immature married adult female named Della has cut and sold her long. beautiful hair to gain the remainder of the money she needs for her husband’s Christmas nowadays: a Pt concatenation for his cherished ticker. When her hubby. Jim. returns to their flat. he is shocked to see her hair gone ; he has sold his ticker to purchase her a brace of tortoise-shell combs for her long hair. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"The Gift of the Magi† by O. Henry Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Touched by his contemplation. Della assures him that her hair will turn back and she gives him the ticker concatenation. When he sees the gift. he fondly tells her that he has sold his precious ticker to purchase her the combs for her hair. The narrative concludes with an all-knowing storyteller praising the forfeit and love of the immature twosome. Major SubjectsCritics have noted the sarcasm of the immature twosome giving their most treasured possessions—Della’s hair and Jim’s watch—in order to purchase each other gifts related to those same ownerships. Poverty is besides a outstanding subject. as Della saved her money for months to purchase the Pt ticker concatenation. but she still had to cut and sell her beautiful hair. The descriptions of the environments and the couple’s vesture besides underscore the need of the characters in the narrative. As O. Henry was categorized as a realist. â€Å"The Gift of the Magi† has been perceived as an reliable. anecdotal expression at low-class American life near the bend of the century. The narrative is besides thought to represent the author’s involvement in the elements of surprise and trick terminations. as the impact of the common forfeit is non revealed until the decision of the narrative. Critical ReceptionUpon its publication in The Four Million. â€Å"The Gift of the Magi† caught the attending of the American populace every bit good as referees. It was often mentioned as a premier illustration of O. Henry’s work and has appeared in several anthologies of American short narratives. Yet the narrative has largely failed to pull serious critical analysis. There has been some argument as to the beginning of â€Å"The Gift of the Magi. † and a recent critic. John A. Rea. has determined where the plotline for the narrative originated. Many observers consider the narrative more of an anecdote. devoid of complex characters and subjects. Recently â€Å"The Gift of the Magi† has been classified and republished as a narrative for kids. Despite the deficiency of considerable critical attending. most literary bookmans still see it one of the best Yule narratives of all time written.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Your Career Essays - Chitto Harjo, Muscogee People,

Your Career Business Communication Term Paper Your Career July 20, 1999 I do not know that anyone chooses a career in life. It seems that fate or certain outside forces influences the decisions you make in life. These forces change your life from one career to the next until you end up in your retirement years looking back on your life thinking of the what ifs. I guess I have to open the topic of my paper My Career with me in my teens because my life has turned direction several times since then. Originally I had my heart set on a football career. I was fairly good at it playing both offensive and defensive positions. Unfortunately the outside sources that changed my budding career involved a tractor on my Uncles farm one summer in my junior year. The tractor won and I lost some movement in my knee for about three years. Needless to say my career was over. A few years later I entered college and found a desire to become an oceanographer. I have always lived near the water and interested in the ocean, the life under it, and the secrets it holds. If I remember correctly the outside force that ended this career was my own failure in following some strict study habits. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute informed me that they accepted only 3.0 grade point average and above. Another outside force at this time was the draft and the Viet Nam War. I ended up entering the Navy and was sure that I had found the career of my lifetime. I had finally found a career where I excelled. I was happy, enjoyed the professionalism, the freedom and authority that I possessed. This new career fit well with my character and what I wanted to do with my life. I trained people, helped them, watched them succeed and grow. What more could I ask for, the military had a certain form of excitement not shared by any other profession in the world. The places I traveled if duplicated would take a lifetime of trying, the experience, the honor of serving my country, all with an adequate wage scale. The outside forces that ended this career path in the Navy would fill a volume. To keep this long story in perspective and within the confines of this assignment, it is easier to conclude that the Navy became a job and not an adventure. Three crashes, a divorce, and plethora of other smaller forces led to the decision to retire prematurely from the military and return to my home in Syracuse, New York where my family was. My family, the knowledge of the area, the need for some family psychological support led me back to Syracuse. After a few months of needed rest, I ventured into the job market, interviewed at a few places that either said I was over qualified or not qualified enough. I finally fell back on my electronics background and selected a position with a local Security Company repairing their systems, and installing them. During my interview process the interviewer indicated that my abilities would fit better with as a customer service representative or manager. They also held the carrot in front of me and said that when the positions became available they would call on me to fill one of them. A year passed with no advancement, no benefits, and no calls from the front office for these better jobs. I found myself looking for a better position in life. Still within the industry I selected a larger firm with benefits, higher rate of pay, and with the still promised positions of customer service or management. With this company they kept their word and called on me to fill a customer service position with in the first year there. My career in Security was starting in fashion and with a renewed sense of worth I excelled. I met their challenge and exceeded their expectations finishing what they had asked me to do in a record time frame but what where they going to do with me. The only logical solution they saw was to offer me a position as a sales representative. About five years later and with scores of

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Email Marketing Analytics How to Measure and Report Important Metrics

Email Marketing Analytics How to Measure and Report Important Metrics Measuring email marketing and extracting actionable insights from your performance data doesn’t have to feel like rocket science. Once you know what to measure, how to set goals, and report progress, you can easily build a repeatable analytics process to refine your strategy. In this guide, you’ll learn: How to choose which email metrics matter most for your business. How to calculate and measure those data points (and understand what they mean). How to develop a simple email marketing analysis and reporting process. Now, let’s turn you into an analytics maestro. + Email Marketing = Success: , the industry’s top marketing management platform, now integrates with MailChimp and other popular email service providers. See how you can organize your email marketing here. in oneplace. Save 20 hrs this week alone and every weekafter. If youve ever kicked the tires on , nows the time to see what its reallylike. Schedule Your Demo Success! Your download should start shortly. Clean up the chaos with your editorial calendar! With , youll Save time with blogging, social, and email think HOURS every week Schedule your social posts in batches and increase your posting frequency super easily Get your sht together and hold yourself accountable to publishing like the boss you are! Now’s the perfect time to start your 14-day free trial to see for yourself! Start Your Free Trial

Saturday, November 23, 2019


NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS Essays - Free Essays NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS PAIN RELIEVING DRUGS AUTHOR [Pick the date] Pain relieving medications or better known as analgesics, are the type of drugs used to relieve pain. The analgesics work by either stopping the pain signals from reaching the brain or they alter the brains perception to these signals. These medications prevent the brain by not allowing the pain signals to be processed. Analgesics do not depend on anesthesia or any loss of consciousness to achieve their pain relieving goal. Since the process of pain is complex, there are different types of drugs that provide relief by acting in different mechanisms. The different types of analgesics can be categorized as follows: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that act on substances in the body causing inflammation, pain, and fever. Corticosteroids are usually injected at the site of musculoskeletal injuries exerting powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Oral administration is also done to relieve pain from, for example, arthritis. Acetaminophen acts on the body's pain threshold by increasing it several folds having little or no effect on inflammation. Opioids (narcotic analgesics) act by modifying pain messages in the brain. Muscle relaxants produce sedative effect in the central nervous system thus, reducing pain from tense muscle groups. Anti-anxiety drugs work by reducing anxiety, relaxing muscles, and helping the patients cope with discomfort. Antidepressants, especially the tricyclics, reduce transmission of pain through the spinal cord. Anticonvulsant drugs relieve pain by stabilizing nerve cells. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the choice of drugs for relieving pain as well as inflammation corresponding to conditions ranging from headaches to osteoarthritis. Aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen are considered as the non prescription drugs that are available easily with any non-pharmaceutical retailer also. NSAIDs are useful in relieving pain related to arthritis, gout, muscle sprains and strains, trauma pain, headaches, eye pain, ear pain, dental pain, orofacial pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, arm and wrist pain, menstrual cramps, joint pain, leg pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome etc. NSAIDs work by interfering in the production of prostaglandins, the chemicals responsible for promoting inflammation, pain and fever. They are also helpful in protecting stomach and intestinal lining from the damaging effects of acid. They are also helpful in activating blood platelets for blood clotting and promote normal kidney functions. Prostaglandins are produced by enzymes called cyclooxygenases (COX), which are of two types COX-1 and COX-2. Both these enzymes promote inflammation, pain and fever, but, only COX-1 produces prostaglandins that activates platelets and protect intestinal and stomach lining. Since, NSAIDs block these COX enzymes reducing inflammation, pain and fever; they cause ulcers in the stomach and intestine increasing the risk of bleeding. Other side effects of NSAIDs include stomach upset, drowsiness, dizziness, skin rashes, high blood pressure, nausea, abdominal pain, kidney or liver problems. All NSAIDs although have same mechanism of action but it is seen that individuals who do not respond to one type of this drug may respond to another one, reasons for which are still not known. NSAIDs differ in their potency, duration of action and their tendency to cause ulcers and cause bleeding as they all differ in their ability to inhibit COX-1 and COX-2. NSAIDs are shown in approximately 25% of all adverse drug reactions, the most common adverse reaction being GI irritation. A 3-fold increase in gastrointestinal hemorrhages is seen by using these drugs, although 10-fold estimates have also been reported in the literature. These drugs are not considered appropriate for people who suffer from stomach problems as these people are at a higher risk for stomach bleeding. Aspirin is the only NSAID drug which is not involved in increasing the risk of adverse cardiovascular events example heart attack or stroke. References:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

For your argument essay, you must produce an essay that argues for one

For your argument , you must produce an that argues for one side of a contentious issue on children's literature - Essay Example At such a young age when children are the most impressionable, it is best that they are well-guarded about concepts that could be dangerous or jarring to them, but they should not be promoted to censorship, be prepared for real life and other concepts that they will be introduced to when they are older, and be allowed to decide on their own tastes in regard to books and films. Censorship is the act of preventing people from reading, watching, or listening to material that others deem to be inappropriate. Censorship is an ongoing problem in our world, with most of it being seen in schools or being encouraged by parents. Though parents do have a right to say what material their child should or should not be subjected to, they should make it known that their objection is due to how inappropriate the material is for their child, but not in a general sense. Parents should not promote censorship to their children but impress upon them the importance of sticking to subject matter that is suitable for their age. If children grow up in a censored world, they will be denied the opportunity to grow and experience the other stories that books and films have, which could potentially lead to ignorance, since many of these books and films deal with important historical events and tragedies. Furthermore, a child that is exposed to so much censorship at such a young age w ill be given a false idea of what is right and what is wrong, or inappropriate. The innocence of age needs to be defended, not the material itself. As previously mentioned, children should be protected from material that is inappropriate to their age, like sex and violence. Romance or strong family values or issues, on the other hand, should not be kept from them, but embraced. These are vital to any child growing up in this day and age; they are important to understand as they are real life concepts. More over, they need to have some subjection to ideas or concepts that