Saturday, February 22, 2020

In what ways do language and the use of language influence news Use an Essay

In what ways do language and the use of language influence news Use an example of a contemporary controversial topic to illustrate your argument - Essay Example This implies that the language employed by the journalists must enhance the understanding of the news. Among the basic objectives of journalists is to inform the public. The communication technique journalists adopt in this context is direct and simple as they use direct quotes and simple grammatical structures. Journalists deliberately minimize the use of jargons in a bid to enhance the public’s understanding of the news. As explained, language helps define the target audience, the level of technicality in language siphons particular individuals from the public who comprehend the type of language used by a media. This helps siphon the public thereby influencing the audience for each media. Different newspapers have audiences most of who identify with the type of language that the media uses in preparing its news. The combination of words that journalists use in presenting their news influences the consumption of the news contents by the audience. Among the key journalistic principles is objectivity a feature that commands that journalists provide a factual presentation of the events they cover. The selection and combination of words influences the level of objectivity in news presentation a feature that dictates that journalists consider various factors before using a word. Some words are sensational thereby portraying the either the journalist or particular media institutions as biased. Journalists strive to minimize sensationalism in news coverage as they strive to remain both objective and detailed as they present their news articles. Journalists must desist from taking sides while covering events. Language can easily portray one as biased despite the absence of such motives especially when covering such vital topics as terrorism. Currently, the missing Malaysian plane is a major international news with different groups of

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Case analysis and presentation on the following...All about Chrysler, Study

Analysis and presentation on the following...All about Chrysler, Chrysler asks for financial Aid, and The Chrysler-Fiat Alliance - Case Study Example However in the 1970s a number of factors including the 1973 oil crisis almost brought the corporation to the verge of bankruptcy. In the 1980 a CEO known as Lee lacocca was brought in and he is remembered for having salvaged the company as it gained during his reign and it recovered from the situation that it was in (Derdak 85). Chrysler later merged with a German automaker-Daimler Benz AG in 1998 to form Daimler Chrysler. This merge was faced with a lot of opposition from its investors and it was later sold to Cerberus Capital Management and in 2007, it was rechristened to Chrysler LLC (Bayley and Hunter 88). Despite this, Chrysler was affected by the automotive industry crisis that occurred in the period between 2008 and 2010 and was declared bankrupt in 2009.By mid-2009, Chrysler emerged from bankruptcy proceedings with Fiat, U.S and Canadian governments among others as the sole owners. Over the next couple of years Fiat slowly acquired the shares of all the other partners due to unforeseen circumstances and by 2011, Fiat subordinately owned the Chrysler group wholly (Chassagnon 114). In order to repay the loan that the corporation owed the federal government, it had to seek for assistance from other institutions in order to ensure its survival and to avoid being bankrupt again. The corporation had been previously funded by the government to help it rise from bankruptcy (Bayley and Hunter 99). It further requested the Canadian government to fund their projects but it later withdrew the request. The corporation declined the support of the government in funding their projects claiming that they were being used as a political football. The corporation’s management stated that this would be disadvantageous to the company (Chassagnon 130). The management added that the issue of financial aid had been politicized. This issue came after some politicians claimed that the money that the corporation had requested was too much and was over beyond their