Thursday, May 14, 2020

Race As A Social Construction - 966 Words

Race is a concept only existing in societies with systems of oppression based on social racism. In chapter eleven: Inequality, they discuss how, â€Å"There is nothing intrinsic about, for example, any racial or ethnic group that makes it distinct from any other; race and ethnicity are dynamic, fluid categories that are socially defined†(Ritzer). The oppression of â€Å"superior† groups demonstrates on â€Å"inferior† groups is one consequence of race as a social construction, which is to have one’s identity reduced to that social marker. Chapter eleven speaks about how hegemony is now the new form of racism that isn’t imperialism. Personally, the experience I have with racism is xenophobia. Especially, in the media and how many people consider Muslims a â€Å"problem† the United States has. The chapter discusses genocide and ethnic cleansing, even though, there hasn’t been any military force in the United States against Muslims there has been harassment and discrimination. Many Muslims are constantly targeted and there is an onslaught of aggression and attacks in the media. Many people try to use laws to show that Muslims are unwanted. Alabama has just passed a constitutional amendment prohibiting foreign laws in their courts. This law is clearly discriminative and targeting Muslims and specifically Sharia law. These attacks are the reason my ethnicity is the only thing many people see. Even though, Muslim is not my race, it is still what many see when they view a brown person from the MiddleShow MoreRelatedRace And Race : The Social Construction Of Race858 Words   |  4 PagesThe race is an indefinite term, which has not been created from science or research, but more so the idea of what it is. Essentially, race is all about perception. One person may separate races based on a certain category of traits while another person uses totally different guidelines to define what races there are. Race has ultimately been created socially, therefor has no biological components until people connect the two terms. This paper examines the connection between society and race whileRead MoreRace As A Social Construction1679 Words   |  7 PagesAlisha Sparks Dr. Stanley POLS 24 November 2015 Race as a Social Construction When we talk about race, what are we really talking about? The issue of race is a complex issue, with socially ambiguous undertones that have plagued our society for decades. Race has been a marker and maker of stereotypes. Race has been used as a justification for injustice. Whether slavery, Japanese internment, or social and economic exclusion, race has given an avenue for those in power to exclude ones deemed ‘other’Read MoreThe Social Construction Of Race1242 Words   |  5 Pagesfoundation for what appears to be the social construction of race. Somewhere along the lines, eugenics became more about isolating certain human characteristics, like skin color, and relegating them to a hierarchy of societal importance (Norrgard, 2008). Race is simply defined as a pattern-based concept that allows for the general public to draw conclusions based on an individual’s geographical location and thereby predetermining their inclusion into a particular social group (Yudel l, et al., 2016) TheRead MoreRace As A Social Construction822 Words   |  4 Pageswhat is race? The term race is difficult to define as a result of the belief that it is â€Å"racist† to talk about race. Although how do we know what race is if we do not discuss it within society. After much thought I defined race as an individual’s background that may be used to describe their ancestor’s demographics as well as their religion. However, today people tend to put more emphasis on race being the color of an individual’s skin. As discussed in class society does not understand what race is,Read MoreThe Social Construction Of Race1743 Words   |  7 PagesIn The Social Construction of Race, Ian F. Haney Lopez defines race as a social construct that is constantly changing its meaning due to the fickle nature of society. Lopez believes that this fickleness stems from a social climate formed by a variety of factors such as human economic interest, current events , and ideology. There are certain racial definitions however, that have remained mostly the same despite efforts to bring attention to the offensiveness and immorality of such discriminatory thinkingRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Race1638 Words   |  7 Pagesstupid immoral, diseased, lazy, incompetent, and dangerous to the white man’s virtue and social order â€Å"(p.181). Blackness have become objectified in public spaces, they are view as a threat on the street of Toronto, surrounding areas and even in the criminal justice system. In fact this negative stereotype of criminalization have put Black males under scrutiny and constant surveillance. The social construction of race by the dominant belief system are still embedded in society that capitalized on minoritiesRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Race2146 Words   |  9 PagesAbadjivor AFAS 304B Professor Machibya 30 March 2015 The Social Construction of Race The underlying characteristic of race concepts is found in its use of phenotypes and physical differences in order to gain an understanding of why there are different people that exist in the world. These differences have been used in understanding the behaviors, intellect, and the value of humans through connecting different characteristics to different classified races. Using phenotypical differences to understand certainRead MoreRace Is A Social Construction1074 Words   |  5 Pagesthe term â€Å"race† should not be used. 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