Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Russia s Foreign Policy During The Cold War - 979 Words

At the height of the Cold War, Soviet foreign policy of the time was simple: increase world influence through the spread of communism in order to undermine democracy, specifically the United States. Today, Russia’s foreign policy appears confusing to most westerners because of the wide scope of Russian efforts but the objective is still the same: increase world influence. Currently, Russia adopts a flexible diplomatic outlook by entering alliances that serve a temporary but strategically significant purpose. Current global conditions and Russia’s foreign policy will complicate the United States’ international strategy by increasing global economic competition through economic partnerships with China and small military engagements within central and eastern Europe and the Middle East. During the Cold War, Russia dominated the Eastern Bloc not only in its military capability but through its economy as well. While Soviet products were not considered to be of the h ighest quality, their manufacturing capability, supported by defense spending was considerable. Whenever the Soviet economy floundered or the socialist/communistic system was questioned, inevitably the Soviets assigned blame to capitalism and western influences. In reality, when Mikhail Gorbachev became the general secretary of the communist party in 1985, he instituted a major reform program with the intent of improving economic conditions for the Soviet Union and its satellite states ( The economicShow MoreRelatedIs The Cold War Really Over?1430 Words   |  6 PagesIs the Cold War Really Over? Many Americans have controversies whether the Cold War is over or not. The Cold War era began with ideological battles in the West and East. Political tensions and events are growing in the current conflicts in the Middle East and varied countries. The term â€Å"cold war† has rose again as new conflicts emerged from the Cold War era. 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